Communication Wisdom

Gathered for you

The 3 Ingredients Of Communication FLOW

beyond skills flow newsletter Sep 26, 2024
stylish and professional looking middle-aged woman sat on a park bench chatting joyfully on the phone.


FLOW is the FASTEST way to become a better communicator.


In the past I used to coach communication-as-a skill. This included presentation skills, giving talks, speaking up in meetings, pitching ideas and projects. 


You can think of this as communication-doing


There is nothing wrong with this approach, and I would still argue it is an important part of the puzzle, but it is missing the most vital piece - YOU. 


This is where FLOW comes in. 

FLOW is a set of conditions you can (re)create, above and beyond skill, that lead to aligned, inspired, and connected ways of being. FLOW infuses your communication with your essence and transmits that through your presence and language in speaking and writing.


This is communication-being


It only needs these 3 ingredients. ⬇️⬇️⬇️



Awaken the 3-intelligences of Gut, Heart, and Head so your communication is infused with an embodied integrity.


Attune to the Field/Source itself (that which inspires and motivates you) so you feel guided from within each step of the way.


Access a state of readiness, and allow your communication to become regenerative, so you can fully relax into your interactions with enough energy!


Here’s what communication FLOW feels like.

It feels like being 110% you.

It feels like excitement and ease in your body.

It feels like all the overwhelm, hesitation, and fear drops away.

It feels like clarity and congruence on what to say and do next.


The best thing about communication flow is that you can already do it. 


Remember that time when you (somehow) moved past your usual insecurities, shed the hesitations that often hold you back, and were just yourself in a conversation. Perhaps it was on a plane with the stranger sitting next to you, or giving a talk about something that excites you (even though you nearly had a panic attack just before), or maybe it was on a first date that went so well you’ve since married that person.


The next piece is to know how to FLOW on demand. 


It’s important to say that it is not an either/or situation. It isn’t skill versus flow. Not at all. This is a yes-and situation. Of course there is still a need for communication skills, these are structures, formats, templates, and strategies that you need for different situations, and you can learn these (I still coach them when needed). 


FLOW is something we can all access - including you!


Think of FLOW and skill like dancing. If you ever learnt the macarena as a teenager you’ll know that it takes practice to learn the steps and then dance it out with friends on the dancefloor. Learning the steps in the skill part, and dancing in your own way to the music is the FLOW part. 


Take a moment to think where you already experience FLOW in your life? – It might be cooking, playing music, running, playing with your children, journaling, playing chess, or working in your business (that’s me). The likelihood is that you first developed a level of skill in this thing, then started to access FLOW.


You can already communicate. Now it is time to FLOW in your communication!


The official average for developing skill in anything is 10 years. What’s beautiful, and often unappreciated, about communication is that (almost) every adult has been communicating (exchanging information with other people through speaking, writing or other means) for 20+ years. If that isn’t encouraging then I don’t know what is. 


I hear your inner-critic piping up with “yeah but i’m crap at conflict,” or “yeah but my public speaking skills are terrible.” This may be true, and the difference is that these are specific contexts, and you can learn the specific skills for these contexts. 


This is where skill and flow intertwine. 





  • Doing
  • Performative
  • Remembering
  • Following
  • Prescriptive
  • Extrinsic motivation
  • Context specific
  • Structured


  • Being
  • Embodied
  • Sensing
  • Allowing
  • Emergent
  • Intrinsic motivation
  • Content specific
  • Unstructured


You already have the baseline of communication skill in the bag (honestly). The really good news is that communication FLOW isn’t some mysterious phenomena that just happens upon us in random moments (ok, it is a little bit mysterious). Communication FLOW is a set of conditions you can (re)create for yourself again and again to meet those moments when you want to raise the bar on how you show up. 


Aligned + Interconnected + Free = FLOW


I promise you, FLOW is the fastest way to grow your confidence and communication with clarity, integrity, and energy - every time!


It’s time to get your FLOW on!



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